Well, I am definatly going stir crazy now. Its hard to stomach that theres still 6 weeks to go. I know im in the right place, it just gets hard. I miss my home and my Izzie. I miss the freedom.
Adam and I had a big scare on Saturday night into Sunday. I went on the monitor that night around 11 like every night and the boys werent looking the same. They werent showing any movement what so ever. They ended up leaving me on the monitor that night while having me drink juice and popcycles, anything with sugar. But there was never much change. That morning they called in an ultrasound tech and had L&D and NICU on hold just in case. It was crazy to think about this all. They told me if they saw anything negative in the ultrasound that I would go straight to L&D. All I could think about was Im only 25 weeks. But then it also made me realize this is why I am here. I got to ultrasound and thankfully everything ended up being okay. They left me on the monitor that day most of the day to make sure it didnt reoccur. Our parents both came down that morning for support. I think considering everything Adam and I held it together well and were ready for whatever was to come. We knew at that time it was out of our hands and were very strong for eachother. They believe what happened was.. that night I ended up with a severe migraine and they had gave me some medicine for it, well usually if it is a medicine that makes you sleepy then it makes the boys sleepy too. So they think the medicine just made them extremely sleepy and it just stayed in thier system for a long time. Its not harmful to them just makes them tired. Since that day the boys are looking great and have shown no signs of distress. I pray every night that the nurses and doctors taking care of me know what to do and will do what is best for my babies and I felt they did this weekend. I have some incredible nurses and doctors.
I had an ultrasound today and they both passed pretty fast and thier tracings still have been great. Im not able to get pictures today because thier heads are too low in my pelvis. (Makes things real comfortable.) Im glad the boys are still where they need to be and hopefully something like that doesnt happen again and if it does hopefully they will be at least 28 weeks so they have a better chance.
Other than the craziness I mentioned above nothing much has been happening. Ive been really tired since that day since it was emotionally and physically exhausting and I didnt sleep that night. Today I took at pretty long nap.
Im excited for my brothers family to come Friday, it has been giving me something to look forward too!!
Until next week....hopefully it stays quite here.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
25 weeks 3 days..10 Days Inpatient
I could say that these 10 days have gone fast and when looking back they have but each and everyday has its periods when it feels like it will never come. Does that make sense?
I got a new room, it is where I will still the remainder of my time. It is a little bit bigger, has more seating, and a much nicer view. Before, I was staring at a parking garage watching people smoke there who really arent supposed to be haha. Now, I have a good view and can see some of the buildings downtown from my window. I also get to see what it actually looks like outside which helps my sanity.
My nurses have been great! I do have my favorites who I get majority of the time but at least I dont feel like any of them at all are imcompitent. And there is only a hand full of them who work this floor so its not like I have to have someone new all the time.
Adam has been great and has even stayed every night with me thus far. He tries to keep me sane. I look forward to my wheel chair rides every night with him for my change of scenery. We also play Uno and are enjoying the new start start of the fall tv shows. We all know I cant say enough about him :).
I have been doing okay. The first few days everything was going beautifully besides being stuck in a room all day. I have been having a few contractions that show up on the monitors but nothing to much or to consistnent that they are worried about as of yet. Mainly just my uterus being irritable which is common with twins. I crazily got diagnosed with gestational diabetes this week. I had my first breakdown that day. I even refused to see people haha. I think is was the cumuliation of everything: the diagnosis, being stuck in a hospital, the whole pregnancy itself not being easy..so forth. But yea I think I cried a lot that day. Since then my blood sugars have been really good each day, so today they decided that instead of 4 times a day that now I can go down to being stuck 2 times a day. That is a lot nicer. I even think if they remain really good that I can go to 3 times a week but that is still in the distant future. Since, I received steroid shots and so forth those effects could have still been lingering in my system and results in higher results. But I cant change anything and I just have to keep doing what is best for the boys. Being stuck every 3 days also isnt fun for my blood type and screen they have to keep current incase I have the emergency c-section, I have bruises galore.
I spend my day waiting on doctors to visit, doing word searches, writing down my events of the day, getting on the computer (weirdly not as often as before I was admitted)...I have also been working on a little cross stitch project of a frog which is cute. I also have received several magazines to look at. I have several projects pending in the future as I finish other ones. Some Titans players came to visit, we took pictures and they gave us posters and such. Two of everything in fact since we are having twins. Too bad they dont give away tickets haha ..guess I wouldnt be able to go anyway.
The babies are doing pretty well. They too the first few days were performing beautifully but since then they have had just a few heart decelerations. Nothing serious because they arent happening consistent enough or in a pattern (kind of like my contractions). The doctors dont have any worry at this time. They get on the monitor 3 times a day, sometimes they behave other times they like to hide hah. They also like to start kicking the monitors like crazy when they are on there. Thier ultrasound this week was good. Baby A was practicing breathing a lot and moving a lot, his heart rate was 144, and he now weighs 1 lb 11 oz. Baby B finally practiced breathing after being pushed and buzzed through my stomach, however he was moving well...his heart rate was 150 and he weighs 1 lbs 9 oz. They are moving up on the growth chart which is a good thing. I love these boys and its still hard to believe that when I leave here they will be born.
Adam and I have finally completed our registries which was fun to do for them. I also think my shower will be at the hospital since after thier born Im not going to want to go anywhere. At least I got a new room with more seating haha.
I would like to thank everyone for thier continued support and prayers. They mean a lot to Adam and I. I would also like to think my wonderful visitors: Heather, Katy and Buster, Christi, Becca, Adams parents, my parents and Teresea, Jennifer, Carly, and Aunt Gail! Also thanks for all the phone calls.
Time for me to go on the monitor..
I got a new room, it is where I will still the remainder of my time. It is a little bit bigger, has more seating, and a much nicer view. Before, I was staring at a parking garage watching people smoke there who really arent supposed to be haha. Now, I have a good view and can see some of the buildings downtown from my window. I also get to see what it actually looks like outside which helps my sanity.
My nurses have been great! I do have my favorites who I get majority of the time but at least I dont feel like any of them at all are imcompitent. And there is only a hand full of them who work this floor so its not like I have to have someone new all the time.
Adam has been great and has even stayed every night with me thus far. He tries to keep me sane. I look forward to my wheel chair rides every night with him for my change of scenery. We also play Uno and are enjoying the new start start of the fall tv shows. We all know I cant say enough about him :).
I have been doing okay. The first few days everything was going beautifully besides being stuck in a room all day. I have been having a few contractions that show up on the monitors but nothing to much or to consistnent that they are worried about as of yet. Mainly just my uterus being irritable which is common with twins. I crazily got diagnosed with gestational diabetes this week. I had my first breakdown that day. I even refused to see people haha. I think is was the cumuliation of everything: the diagnosis, being stuck in a hospital, the whole pregnancy itself not being easy..so forth. But yea I think I cried a lot that day. Since then my blood sugars have been really good each day, so today they decided that instead of 4 times a day that now I can go down to being stuck 2 times a day. That is a lot nicer. I even think if they remain really good that I can go to 3 times a week but that is still in the distant future. Since, I received steroid shots and so forth those effects could have still been lingering in my system and results in higher results. But I cant change anything and I just have to keep doing what is best for the boys. Being stuck every 3 days also isnt fun for my blood type and screen they have to keep current incase I have the emergency c-section, I have bruises galore.
I spend my day waiting on doctors to visit, doing word searches, writing down my events of the day, getting on the computer (weirdly not as often as before I was admitted)...I have also been working on a little cross stitch project of a frog which is cute. I also have received several magazines to look at. I have several projects pending in the future as I finish other ones. Some Titans players came to visit, we took pictures and they gave us posters and such. Two of everything in fact since we are having twins. Too bad they dont give away tickets haha ..guess I wouldnt be able to go anyway.
The babies are doing pretty well. They too the first few days were performing beautifully but since then they have had just a few heart decelerations. Nothing serious because they arent happening consistent enough or in a pattern (kind of like my contractions). The doctors dont have any worry at this time. They get on the monitor 3 times a day, sometimes they behave other times they like to hide hah. They also like to start kicking the monitors like crazy when they are on there. Thier ultrasound this week was good. Baby A was practicing breathing a lot and moving a lot, his heart rate was 144, and he now weighs 1 lb 11 oz. Baby B finally practiced breathing after being pushed and buzzed through my stomach, however he was moving well...his heart rate was 150 and he weighs 1 lbs 9 oz. They are moving up on the growth chart which is a good thing. I love these boys and its still hard to believe that when I leave here they will be born.
Adam and I have finally completed our registries which was fun to do for them. I also think my shower will be at the hospital since after thier born Im not going to want to go anywhere. At least I got a new room with more seating haha.
I would like to thank everyone for thier continued support and prayers. They mean a lot to Adam and I. I would also like to think my wonderful visitors: Heather, Katy and Buster, Christi, Becca, Adams parents, my parents and Teresea, Jennifer, Carly, and Aunt Gail! Also thanks for all the phone calls.
Time for me to go on the monitor..
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Inpatient 24 weeks
Well, we have made it here. What a crazy and stressful last few months we have had. It sometimes seems like just yesterday at 6 weeks we found out about these miracle babies. I still remember the emotions as they never really left. We felt like yesterday was never going to come, as it was a milestone to reach. But yesterday I moved into the hospital and now we are just moving on to our next milestones and feeling blessed for each day they remain in me. Ill come back to this, let me catch you up on where I left off on my last post.
Instead of waiting the full 2 weeks to check Joshua's heart, they actually checked it the week after. Now, it was a different ultrasound tech and different doctor there that day but they didn't see the defect at that time. However, I remember asking doctor Collins if since it is so hard to find that it could possibly be missed the next time and he said their was a chance. But, we cant worry about that now. If it is present, its not going to be changing anything I'm currently doing and wont be detrimental to his health right away after birth. Adam and I plan to take them both to the cardiologist after they come home to make sure there is nothing there. But until then...as far as we know its not and that is good news.
The babies are similar in size again which is a good thing but still measuring pretty small but they don't seem to concerned with that at the moment. They are hoping me being on bed rest now that they will start to fatten up. I don't see how this is going to happen since they like to fight all day in my stomach. :)
So, that is really all that has gone on since blogging last that I feel is important in letting people finally know.
I had to say goodbye to my favorite thing ever, Izzie, on Sunday. She went to live with my parents while I'm in the hospital. I'm not going to lie, it was extremely hard to do and I miss her all the time. But, I know she will be happier there instead of waiting at home wondering when her mommy is coming back. I know she is in excellent hands so that helps ease my pain. :)
Well, I moved into the hospital on Tuesday. I love visitors because it can get boring being by yourself all day. So if you want to come see me, message me and ill let you know where I'm at. I currently get non stress test every 8 hours ranging from 20-40 minutes at a time. So far the have looked good. I had an ultrasound today and will have one every Wednesday until 28 weeks and then twice weekly thereafter. Sadly as I do not have a scanner I wont be able to post any of their cute pictures but I do have some from the last few weeks that I will post at the end of this blog. One picture today had Joshua sucking on Jackson's hand, pretty funny thing to see. I'm on bed rest but luckily its not to strict, I can sit in a chair if I want and if I need something in the room I can get up and get it and I can take showers which is GREAT. My room is really nice and big and apparently when one becomes available I get an even bigger one which I cant imagine since this one is bigger than any rooms I have ever worked in. My bed is pretty bad, its like sleeping on a cement slab haha. So I think I'm going to put an egg shell pad on it.
I have made the room my own, I brought my own blanket and pictures and so forth to make it more homey.
Adam has been great, poor guy has like 3 jobs. His real job, still taking care of the house, and being here for me and the babies. He is doing excellent though and the one thing I miss more than anything, besides Izzie and a comfy bed :), is him holding me at night. What a lame thing to say haha but it is true.
We still have a long road a head of us, we are at 24 weeks but it would be very scary still for them to be born this early even though it is possible. My goal of course is to make it to 32 weeks but I will start to feel a little more comfortable after 28 weeks. So that is still awhile away. But I am where I need to be and know that whatever happens is what is meant to be. I have had to lovely steroid injections to boost their lungs and I'm done until 30 weeks at which time I will receive a booster.
I have a lot of time on my hands now so I will try and be a better poster. Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts and kind words. They have gotten us to this point for which we are so grateful but like I said we still have hurdles to get through to get both babies safely here. Bad things could still happen like during when I'm not monitored a cord accident could happen, but I cant dwell on this and can only think of the positive of getting both babies here safely and staying in the womb as long as possible.
I also want to say congrats to Nicole Barney who is having her baby tomorrow and wish her the best of luck!! Love you girl.
Baby A: Jackson 21 weeks

Baby B: Joshua 21 weeks


Baby B: Joshua 22 weeks

Baby A: Jackson 23 weeks
Instead of waiting the full 2 weeks to check Joshua's heart, they actually checked it the week after. Now, it was a different ultrasound tech and different doctor there that day but they didn't see the defect at that time. However, I remember asking doctor Collins if since it is so hard to find that it could possibly be missed the next time and he said their was a chance. But, we cant worry about that now. If it is present, its not going to be changing anything I'm currently doing and wont be detrimental to his health right away after birth. Adam and I plan to take them both to the cardiologist after they come home to make sure there is nothing there. But until then...as far as we know its not and that is good news.
The babies are similar in size again which is a good thing but still measuring pretty small but they don't seem to concerned with that at the moment. They are hoping me being on bed rest now that they will start to fatten up. I don't see how this is going to happen since they like to fight all day in my stomach. :)
So, that is really all that has gone on since blogging last that I feel is important in letting people finally know.
I had to say goodbye to my favorite thing ever, Izzie, on Sunday. She went to live with my parents while I'm in the hospital. I'm not going to lie, it was extremely hard to do and I miss her all the time. But, I know she will be happier there instead of waiting at home wondering when her mommy is coming back. I know she is in excellent hands so that helps ease my pain. :)
Well, I moved into the hospital on Tuesday. I love visitors because it can get boring being by yourself all day. So if you want to come see me, message me and ill let you know where I'm at. I currently get non stress test every 8 hours ranging from 20-40 minutes at a time. So far the have looked good. I had an ultrasound today and will have one every Wednesday until 28 weeks and then twice weekly thereafter. Sadly as I do not have a scanner I wont be able to post any of their cute pictures but I do have some from the last few weeks that I will post at the end of this blog. One picture today had Joshua sucking on Jackson's hand, pretty funny thing to see. I'm on bed rest but luckily its not to strict, I can sit in a chair if I want and if I need something in the room I can get up and get it and I can take showers which is GREAT. My room is really nice and big and apparently when one becomes available I get an even bigger one which I cant imagine since this one is bigger than any rooms I have ever worked in. My bed is pretty bad, its like sleeping on a cement slab haha. So I think I'm going to put an egg shell pad on it.
I have made the room my own, I brought my own blanket and pictures and so forth to make it more homey.
Adam has been great, poor guy has like 3 jobs. His real job, still taking care of the house, and being here for me and the babies. He is doing excellent though and the one thing I miss more than anything, besides Izzie and a comfy bed :), is him holding me at night. What a lame thing to say haha but it is true.
We still have a long road a head of us, we are at 24 weeks but it would be very scary still for them to be born this early even though it is possible. My goal of course is to make it to 32 weeks but I will start to feel a little more comfortable after 28 weeks. So that is still awhile away. But I am where I need to be and know that whatever happens is what is meant to be. I have had to lovely steroid injections to boost their lungs and I'm done until 30 weeks at which time I will receive a booster.
I have a lot of time on my hands now so I will try and be a better poster. Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts and kind words. They have gotten us to this point for which we are so grateful but like I said we still have hurdles to get through to get both babies safely here. Bad things could still happen like during when I'm not monitored a cord accident could happen, but I cant dwell on this and can only think of the positive of getting both babies here safely and staying in the womb as long as possible.
I also want to say congrats to Nicole Barney who is having her baby tomorrow and wish her the best of luck!! Love you girl.
Baby A: Jackson 21 weeks

Baby B: Joshua 21 weeks


Baby B: Joshua 22 weeks

Baby A: Jackson 23 weeks

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