YEA! for SNOW!
Adam and I are so thrilled that we finally got some good snow. Its not fluffy though because of all the ice mixed in. So you kind of just step and then fall in. We have had fun watching Izzie though. At first on Friday the snow was softer so she was hopping around like a bunny but now she stays on top and slides around. We took advantage of taking pictures though because who knows when well see this much again.
Friday I thankfully left work an hour and half early in the morning so I wouldnt get in to much trouble on the roads. It was messy but not to severe at the time. But by noon it was crazy out there. Adam got home late for work due to the weather but at least he got to come home. We just stayed in that night and watched TV and played games. We found one place who was delivering pizza still and ordered. Jets pizza is only a few miles up the road so didnt feel to bad. :)
Saturday, we went outside some but it was just sooooo cold to stay out to long. We had our neighbors Katy and Buster come over and hang out. Adam cooked Chili for dinner. Then Katy and I watched Miss America and they played games. It was a fun night. The people who lived behind us are very rude though. They have a dirt bike and they were riding it in the empty lot next to them since the streets were ice. Well, for some reason they thought they could ride in our lot too. Made us so mad but we never said anything because I hate stirring up trouble.
Today, churches were cancelled. We decided to walk to the entrance of the neighborhood and take pics. McrCrory has seen better days. You couldnt even see the road. Makes since that we have only seen SUV's leaving the neighborhood. Even though we saw a van fishtailing as it was making its way up the hill to leave. It didnt make it.
I think we are going to get back out and play a little more this afternoon since the sun is making it atleast feel a little warmer out there.
Adams parents bought us a space heater for our house and have been so thankful for it these past few days. With our vaulted ceilings the heat rises up and leaves us still cold so the space heater is nice to sit beside you and warm you up. Hopefully, it will make our gas bill look a lot better.
We havent been up to, to much else. Today is Adam and I's 1 year and 6 month anniversary haha! And tommorrow is Izzie birthday. I wasnt able to get her a present yet since we are stuck in the snow. so sad.. but she turns 3.
Here are some pictures:

This is McCrory Ln. above. Its the road we have to get on to go to the interstate.
Our deep foot steps on the road.


Does anyone know an easier way to put pictures on here. They always take a lot of work for me to work in...
you crack me up ordering pizza when the roads were terrible, lol!
as for loading pics...i find the easiest way to do it is upload all the pics FIRST...then add the text around it. not sure if that is what you mean or if your computer just loads them slowly but i hope that helps!
happy anniversary!! :)
Thanks for sharing the pictures. I was tempted to come visit. Our ice was really pretty, but not fun. I'm glad you all are safe too. I love Izzie. I need you to email me your cake ball recipe.
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