Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I just felt like complaining about all the doctors I have to see this month. We have been on Cobra insurance the past 3 months because of Adams new job and I didnt really feel like going to the doctor while I was on it. I really dont know why but whatever. Well, now it is Feb. and we have our new insurance so I made some must needed appointments.
Thursday, I have a dentist appointment. I am so nervous to go. I used to LOVE going to the dentist because I never seemed to have any problems and everyone would gloat saying I had the most beautiful smile and eww and ahhh over my double tooth :). Well, my last experience was negative...I didnt like the people at all and they didnt seem to know what they were doing. They said ohh some of your gums are receeding in the back but dont worry about it. (That doesnt sound right). Well, so I didnt go back for awhile because I didnt want to go back to them and was discouraged trying to find someone new. So finally I sucked it up and found somone. So yes instead of 6 months its been more like 10 months since ive been. But now I just get to hear how my gums are bad and Ill probaly lose all my teeth. Haha, maybe im exaggerating but whatever. :).
Now, on the 11th I have to go the ObGyn for my yearly appt. SO EXCITED. I mean havent I seen her enough over the past year hah. And not to mention the fact everytime I have scheduled this appt. since then, I always gets cancelled because she has to go deliver a baby. I guess I should be thankful that one day far away when im pregnant she'll cancel clinic to come deliver mine. Still not looking forward to this appt.
Then, finally after a year and a half of living in Nashville I also still never got a PCP. Thanks to some great doctors I work with I finally scheduled with someone whom they all really like for the 16th. Plus I got strings pulled bc she wasnt accepting new pts but because I worked for her friend I get lucky. Well, I am dreading this. I guess with some medical groups they schedule you a meet the phycian appt. I really dont know what this is going to consist off but im pretty sure she going to tell me im very unhealthy and fat and I need to lose a 100 lbs. But my mom tells me thats what doctors are for.
I was going to add and eye appt to this but Dr. Loden the only doctor I have been going to doesnt except my insurance. So not sure what to do because I have the special eye surgery and want to make sure they know what to look for if there were ever problems.
Sheesh. Ive had enough with doctors after my 2009 multiple problems.
Glad I complained...wish me luck this month.
Now, I just need to get Adam and new PCP and new dentist. His old dentist is not covered on our new insurance. So I guess if I like mine he can just go there. And as for a PCP he never gets sick but one day he may so it would be nice to have someone to take him to.


LeAnne said...

Ooooh! Poor Baby...take 2 aspirins and call me in the morning. Loved your snow pictures. Take care. LeAnne

6L's said...

lol...i know this is frustrating for you but it really just got me to laughing! thanks for the entertainment!! :) best of luck with the appointments, i hate finding new people. :(

The Borders said...

That is a ton of visits. If I were you, I'd feel so much better now that they are all scheduled! That is most of the battle! Have fun- I hope they are all nice.

Nicole Barney said...

Don't go to Dr. Macmillan (dentist)--he did a junky job on my crown. I loved my OB, Dr. Norman. She works out of Baptist Hospital and is amazing.

aurora said...

Wow that's a lot of doctor visits! I hope that you have good experiences. xo