Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Doctors Done!

First of all I would like to dedicate this blog to Laura Richards who always gets such humor out of my blogs. :).
So, these past few weeks I finally finished all my appointments. I thought id recapture these special moments. First was the dentist, how ironic is it that right after I posted my last blog my great friend Nicole informs me she had gone to the dentist I had chosen and has had horrible experiences there. Well, I sucked it up anyway and went. I actually had a pleasant experience there. They informed me I had a wonderful smile haha and nothing was wrong and they'd see me in 6 months. I actually learned more about my double tooth as well. I always find it curious to what new people will say about it. He actually gave me some statistics on how rare it is and how it happens, so it was so interesting.
Second, I went to the OBGYN. After waiting an hour in the waiting room, I was finally seen. It was a normal annual appointment with all its glory. Enough said.
Thirdly, I went to meet my new PCP today. Everything was fine and the staff was nice and before I knew it she had talked me in to getting the H1N1 vaccine. So now all I have to say is OUCH! MY arm is freaking killing me. To add to it Ive had this horrific migraine the whole day that wont go away no matter how much medicine im taking. If there is anyone out there who knows how to do head transplants let me know bc these headaches are just spiraling out of control. Thanks. (Maybe I should just take two aspirin and go to bed , right LeAnne :)) Haha.
Anyways, my Valentines day was nice and special. I love my husband and I cant imagine a life without him. He is my heart and soul. We've been through a lot over the past year and I think we've come out stronger for it.
On a more serious note. I have a couple of friends who are having a real hard time right now. I just want them to know if they are reading this, that I love them lots and you can call me for whatever no matter when.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRAVIS! Hope you have a good day.


6L's said...

awww, i feel so special...a blog dedicated to me, lol!? you're so sweet! :) glad the appts went well and sorry about your friends. :( weird about your h1n1hurting so much...that was my easiest shot! good to hear from ya! we're having a baby in 3 weeks or less! YIKES!

Nicole Barney said...

I'm so glad the dentist was better for you than he was for me. When we went, he was still pretty new, so maybe he's improved. What in the heck is a double tooth, my mutant friend? :) Miss you!