Sunday, March 7, 2010

A change in the way I blog.

So I have not made a blog in awhile and I will tell you why. In the last few post, I have told you about my numerous doctors visits and before that you read about my surgeries and so forth. Then in Feb. I got a kidney stone and was sick after that and now I still may have several small kidney stones. I'm going to a urologist on Tuesday for that.
Well, the reason I haven't wrote about any of this is because I feel like all I blog about seems to be about me being sick. What some don't understand is that I don't like being labeled "the sick one" or "she's just always sick". I know some people say this jokingly but it really hurts me inside. I don't choose these things. I wait and pray for a day where I don't have to struggle with chronic almost daily migraines, IBS, and spontaneous things such as kidney stones, etc. I would give almost anything to get rid of these burdens. I don't choose to have these, I don't like being sick. I want to be a productive, happy, healthy, full of life person who doesn't have to leave the house making sure she has medication in case she gets a headache. I don't want to have to worry about "if I eat this will I get sick" before everything I eat. But a lot of people unfortunately don't see the struggle I have on the inside wondering what happened, why am I like this? Most people are like ohh..shes just sick again go figure. So until you know in my body what im going through don't judge me...i'm trying everyday to fight for fight for my health. I also understand a lot of the people who read my blog that I know of, aren't the people who are judging me..they are mainly my biggest supporters and cheer leaders and for that I thank them. But from now on I wont write or attempt not to write about my struggles in the health dept. If I need to vent about how i'm feeling that day I will do so with my husband and if not him then someone else I count on. If anyone else wants to know what is going on at any time then you can contact me directly.
Now, I'm glad I got that off my chest. Sorry.

Not much has been going on except everyday life.
Adam and I got a new work out video by the "So You Think You Can Dance" dancers and its awesome. Well, we just started it yesterday and only made it through the warm up. Haha I guess you have to start somewhere. I love it though because they are a lot of the same warm ups that I would do in dance class. It is also very entertaining to watch Adam do this. Hmm...I see a funniest home video haha.

Adam has been applying to nursing schools. Yes, you read that right. He's had a mind change and while he likes his current job and would like to stay with Vandy, he would like to be at home a little bit more whenever we decide to have a family and those jobs make a little more and are def. more stable. So, we'll see what happens.

We have a busy up coming months ahead. We both will be aging another year haha. We also are going to Memphis so I can go to Time Out for Women with Nicole. So excited that John Bytheway will be a speaker now.

And I think I'll wrap this up. However, we are looking for ways to save money and live more simply. The things we know off of the bat are eating out way less frequently and going down to basic tv stations of just 2,4,5 and Fox to cut down on TV expenses. If anyone has any other suggestion please let me know. Also, any saving tips you have as well.

Have a good day!


The Borders said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! Maybe I will get to those other questions later...can't wait to see you though.

Stuart Little said...

Love you too!

aurora said...

Well first off, let me just say that I think that it's crazy to be judged over one's health! Sorry that you have had such negative feedback--I hope to be in the loop when you want to tell people who LOVE you what your health frustrations are. I have been there/am there and I would love to be there for you.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Like your new background! :)

6L's said...

aww, i'm so sorry people have been rude to you about your health struggles! :( i hope my finding humor in it didn't turn you the wrong know i love you! :) you should blog about whatever you want!!

Stuart Little said...

Laura, it is not you I said they probably dont even read my blog.