Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Monoamniotic factoids

I found thses on another blog, so I thought I would share. My next appointment is Friday and im already getting anxious, so pray for us. I also signed us up for a class on July 23. Its Marvelous Multiples.

Monoamniotic factoids

*Monoamniotic twins are always identical
*Monoamniotic twins are the result of a late splitting egg; one that split around 8-12 days after fertilization
*Monoamniotic twins only occur in 1% of twins
*Monoamniotic twins share a placenta and amniotic sac which means they have skin to skin contact
*Monoamniotic twins are considered extremely high risk because of the risk of cord compression leading to fetal death as a result of umbilical cord entanglement
*Monoamniotic twins are always delivered by C-Section
*Monoamniotic twins are usually delivered between 32-34 weeks gestation because the risks of staying in utero are greater than the risks associated with a premature birth
*75% of monoamniotic twins are girls
*inpatient monitoring at viability yeilds the greatest success rates


The Borders said...

I saw this same list on one of your links. It definately is a good summary to show someone if they don't know much about them (like most people). The class sounds really good- I'm glad you are taking it. I'll bet on your side (with those stats), that they are girls!!! You'll know on one of those ultrasounds soon! Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Very Interesting!

Mandy Greene said...

I teach with your mom but found your blog through my multiples group and Laura. I have fraternal twins born in Jan. 2010. I took the marvelous multiples class and it was wonderful!!! My husband and I really enjoyed it and learned quite a bit from it. I will warn you though the nicu tour was emotional for me and I wasn't prepared. I am a worrier by nature so I totally get your emotions. Praying for your babies!

aurora said...

We love you, Lauren! We pray for your family (all 4 of you!) and have faith and hope. xox

6L's said...

very good info to share, lauren. interesting about the 75% girls...never heard that before! thinking we're gonna be right then, lol!
praying for you to have peace and comfort. love you!