Monday, March 30, 2009

Birthday Day


Today has been a busy day. This morning we had the final walk through of our house. It went well. There was hardly anything we could find. Majority of the stuff was just little paint or dry wall issues. So I think every things great. They will fix all of the stuff we pointed out today and then tomorrow we will go back through and make sure they fixed everything.

Well, then Adam and I had sometime to kill so we went to the post office to yell at them. Ha ha. We have been having issues with the postal service. I don't want to go into detail about it bc it will just stress me out again. But basically our mail is lost and its been so frustrating bc I don't want to miss my bills or anything. So it had been about a week since we received any mail and both our postal offices were telling me two completely different stories about what was going on. Then I talked to Charlie and he said neither one of those were correct. Geez! But them tonight after complaining all day I get a few pieces of mail which included some cheerful birthday cards! Thanks guys. So maybe this should teach me a lesson about complaining and stressing out over seemed to be big things but in the light of it end up not so big in the big picture. We will see if the mail straightens itself out over the next few days.

Next, our loan officer calls me and tells me she was having some problems because my last few pay stubs at my new job didn't add up to 40 hrs a week. Well, various things have caused that such as the first week of march the docs went to San Fransisco for their annual dermatology conference. Then I'm not working as much as I will be when fully trained bc I haven't started doing call backs to patients. So I have got to leave early some days. So when she first called she said she was going to have to fax and sheet to my employer asking my hours and will I truly work 40 hours when I'm trained and so forth. Then she would have to overnight it to the underwriters of the contract. All of this seemed pushing it to me since we close tomorrow at 11am. By now I'm having a heart attack pretty much. Well, then she called me back saying I needed to send a letter of commitment that I would be working 40 hrs and such and then she would also need one from my employer. She finally called me back later saying she received everything and we should be good. Geez, talk about last minute stress.

Sunday Adams parents called us and let us know that Adams grandmother had died. It was a very sad thing to learn about. We were expecting it soon but it never makes it easier. Her funeral will be tomorrow at 2. His grandfather is having a hard time. Id appreciate your prayers for him during this time.

Today was my birthday, what a day of stress it brought on. It ended with a good note though. We started celebrating on Saturday. Adam and I are actually doing a duo since his birthday is April 9th. So Saturday we went down to Clarksville to see my parents. They took us to eat at Olive Garden. YUM! And then we had to cute little cakes which were very yummy. We had a great time with them. Thanks guys. Then Sunday we went to McEwen to Adams families house. We celebrated at his Pas house since he was as expected very sad. It was nice and I hope it helped him to have everyone over. We brought Izzie with us and she was so jealous of Adams brothers families new dog. He was a miniature dachshund and was so cute. Every time I held him though Izzie would get so mad at me. We've thought about getting her a friend but now I'm beginning to second guess myself. We had a nice sandwich tray and his mom made a strawberry cake which was awesome. Thanks to you too. Then today we went to dinner at PF Chang's with some great friends. It was a nice time to get our minds of the stress surrounding me. I'm so glad we got to do that. Then Adam surprised me and took me to Gap to pick out some things. I was excited. Of course, I shopped of the clearance rack though but I found some amazing things. Thanks Baby. Then we got home and he surprised me with the third and fourth seasons of Greys Anatomy and some running shorts. (were going to start a healthier lifestyle moving into the new house). So the day ended great getting cards from my brother and grandma. They were so sweet and left me with a smile.

On April 8th I'm going to have surgery to remove my gall bladder. Its been a long time coming so I'm hoping this will solve a lot of the pain Ive been having. I'm a little nervous but I know I will be OK. Our friend Jake is going to give me a blessing so I know that will provide me a lot of comfort. We are cancelling our Comcast service on Saturday bc they don't have the hook up places yet at our new address so we will be without for awhile but that's ok. Adam said that's why he bought me the new seasons of Greys Anatomy. I think he was just trying to get out of the 8 seasons of Gilmore Girls I told him we were going to watch. What a smart boy huh. So I will be watching lots of movies while I'm off work for the surgery.

Sorry to have layed all this stuff out here but it helped me get all of my stress out some what.

Tomorrow we have post final walk through, house closing, funeral, and then move some stuff out to the house. We will be pretty busy!!

Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

Nicole Barney said...

Lauren! Now that you finally have the internet at your house, you need to post more frequently on your blog! I miss you--I'm excited for you to come visit me!