We had a good weekend. We were both estatic that the Gators beat Alabama on Sat. It was a really good game. This means they go to the championship which is great. We were both pretty nervous about that game. We ate at Chilis with one of Adams friends later and Im pretty sure I got food posioning. I was sick all night long and still feel pretty puny. Adam just got a stomach ache, not nearly all the yuckiness I went through.
Not much else exciting happened this week. It will be nice hopefully not having to worry about school for the next few weeks. I will leave you with a picture of Superman.

1 comment:
Hey chica...long time no SEE! Love the pic of your puppy...so cute!!! MAN, life is busy for you, too I guess....work, building a house, ER visits, etc etc etc. GIRL...you need to post some wedding pics so I can see them!
♥ ya!
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