I got a job finally! I'm so excited. I start Monday. Its at Nashville Skin and Cancer and I really hope it was what I am looking for. It will be normal hours so I wont have to work weekends or holidays. It also just four days a week instead of five. I also heard my brother got a new job the same day as me and never called like me like mom said he was supposed to. But Congrats to him too.

So I have been awfully sick for about a week now with a nasty stomach something. But Adam wants to make steak for us tonight, so it will be my attempt to eat something other than bread and soup. Last night when he came home he brought me the prettiest flowers and a stuffed animal dog that Izzie wanted really bad. Today he brought me a nice watch since I didn't have any nice ones to wear. It was a great grab though because the Macy's right next to us is going out of business so everything is 60% off. We looked at some other jewelry but besides a nice watch I don't really need or wear anything else. There was a time when I was obsessed with jewelry but that's when I made it. The only pieces of jewelry I would want down the line would be some diamond stubs and a plain wedding band to wear at work since my ring likes to poke through gloves. We also got cards for each other which is my favorite thing to get. We always mark the date in them and save them. I'd rather have a card than anything. After reading Nicole's blog on Valentines Day, its funny how different we are. I don't think I would make Adam take back a piece of jewelry he picked out for me :). I think its nice to pick out a nice gift for the one you love every once in awhile. By the way Nicole, Adam loved his Valentines card from Charles hah. And Adam when you read this I LOVE YOU MY STUDMUFFIN!
On to something else. Look our house is finally coming along. About three days ago its was a slab of rocks and now look its growing. Its finally starting to feel real. It looks so small compared to the bigger houses surrounding us but it will be our comfy cozy home. Of course here our the pictures.
The picture below is from the 11th.

The picture below is from today!

congrats on your new job! i agree...the card is the most important thing to me to. :) glad the house is mocing right along.
oops! 'moving' right along!
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