Well, I know it has been awhile. It is hard to get to typing about everything when your already telling several people by mouth as it is.
At my second appointment with Dr. Cassidy last week everything was fine. She checked the babies heart beats real fast and both were in the 160's again. I had also asked her about what the ultrasound tech had said previously and she stated that it is their job to do those screenings so probably just wanted to know if I would be seeing her the next week and give me some information. Then she said but there is still the false positives with twins and your young so I am at really low risk. So Adam and I decided against any testing at this time. I'm worried enough, I don't need false positives. She also checked my progesterone levels and they came back great. So therefore she took me off the progesterone pill. I thought this would help with my nausea and so forth but it almost seems to have gotten worse. Odd. She said she wouldn't need to see me for 4 weeks since during that time I would be evaluated by the high risk doctors.
So, I also saw the high risk doctor on Wednesday this week. They do stuff differently, they ultrasound the whole time and the doctor is in the room watching and talking. Its hard to watch the ultrasound though when your trying to talk to the doctor. She had to go over all the risk with me again. This was a bummer to here all over. She still gave the 50% chance of making it but reported that she has fortunately seen more successes than failures. It is just unfortunately out of their hands until they are viable. She said most of the deaths that she sees are before 20 weeks. She said this is due to the cords still being flimsy and therefore making them easier to bend and tangle because they are not as durable. She said they will continue to thinking as they age and eventually become durable kind of like a water hose. She said also since they get bigger their is less room for them to move around in and so less problems occur. She said she admits at 26 weeks to the hospital instead of 24 because if in the off chance I went into labor at 24 weeks a lot of neonatologist are less likely to save the babies do to long term problems and issues. She also said she wanted to see me at least once a week from now on. The babies heart rates were still in the 160's so maybe that is where they are going to level out at. They were also fighting. It was so funny they were just punching at each other in my stomach. It was hard to believe it was going on inside of me. On the down side I lost another 4 lbs. She also is charting me at 12 weeks so Im going to go with that. I puts me a few days further along. And I should agree with what she says because she will be basing my care off of my due date. So that makes me happy.
I'm glad to have gone to them especially since Dr. Cassidy only wanted to see me every 3-4 weeks. And now they want to see me every week now. I'm glad for that. The doctor was so good because she said please feel free to write down questions and bring them with you. Now that I left I have several.
I'm also struggling with possibly having to switch to Vanderbilt High Risk doctors. I was good and tried to call and set up a consultation and they said my high risk doctor had to refer me over. I think this is stupid if you are just wanting to meet with the doctor and here what they have to say. I mean it sounds silly to me to say to my brand new doctor, Can I have a referral somewhere else and I may possibly still come back to you if I don't like what they have to say?...That's lame. I'm at a loss. This is stressful.
Unfortunately, Ive been sick.. hense me still losing weight. Its getting pretty annoying especially the middle of the night sessions. My migraines have gotten horrid too. I think I will try to see my neurologist in the upcoming weeks.
In other news I had a nice outing with my mother in law and sister in law. It was nice to get out for a little bit. Thanks for everything!
Well, I see the doctor again on Friday so I will be in touch.
We still thank you for everyone praying for us, it means so much.
I love you my babies.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
10 Weeks and Counting
So, the past week has been so busy. I have been feeling sick a lot. I think my doctors nurse is getting sick of me calling haha. I call her all the time. But, I have these horrible pains that just don't seem to be right. I know you are supposed to feel some stuff but they have been really bad and really stressing me out. I even post on the MoMo forum and no one reports having these same pains as me, so I think that scared me even more.
Last night, I started feeling horrible again. So this morning I insisted on going to the doctor. Everything turned out OK but its just I guess a bit overwhelming. I almost feel like I cant trust my own instincts about something being wrong. Even though I'm ecstatic that things are fine. I'm not sure how I feel about the ultrasound tech at the office. During, the scans she goes from being nice to a bit well odd. She is the one insisting that I do not have a membrane and its not possible. And today after she told me everything is looking fine, she out of no where asked if I was having the nucheal scan done on the babies at week 12. I thought that was odd because it came out of no where. I guess Ill ask Dr. Cassidy on Thursday if I should be concerned about that. For those who don't know that test scans for Down Syndrome and is performed by an ultrasound as well. So now I am paranoid about this. I'm just a paranoid person.
I'm trying to also figure out when to call Vanderbilt. Do to the fact I may have to spend months in the hospital, we may have to switch all of my care over to them. I don't want to do this until I know for sure that I like and trust them, so I would need to meet them first and see if their game plans match up. I will hate to switch everything in a pregnancy like this but since Adam works there it will be cheaper. Has anyone delivered there or have any words of advice? I see Dr. Cassidy again on Thursday and then I meet with the high risk doctors at Baptist for the first time next Wednesday.
I'm trying to remain positive. I talk a lot more about the future and them being here with us. I love them so much already, its so unreal. Its still hard to believe that the pictures or video shown on the screen during the ultrasound is growing and beating inside of me.
On the other hand! I had a wonderful weekend watching Charles. He was a good distraction for me and so well behaved. Adam and I took him to the park at the Red Caboose park and let him stand on the real caboose they have there. He had a good time even though he wouldn't play with the little boy following him around everywhere. It was so sad haha the little boy was trying so hard to play with him. I think I watched Cars 10 times this weekend. It kind of reminds me of my cousin Whittaker at that age when he would memorize the whole Toy Story movie. When Charlie and Nicole came back we went to eat along with my parents at the Loveless Cafe. It was good. Then we played the Wii some. I wish they were closer by!
I'm so glad that so glad that I get to experience this process with Nicole. I think it will be so wonderful that we will have kids the same age and watch them grow together. I think it makes things so special. I love my family.
Adam was such a good support this weekend even if I don't always tell him because I'm to busy freaking out. He sent me a text message this morning before my ultrasound. He wrote, I love you. I'm scared, but I'm hopeful too. Just remember that they are our miracle babies. ...Hes amazing and these are our miracle babies and I cant wait to hold them in my arms. Below is the picture I got today. Kind of funny since on of the babies faces is resting on the others bottom. Today the heart rates were 164 and 167. Until next time.
So, the past week has been so busy. I have been feeling sick a lot. I think my doctors nurse is getting sick of me calling haha. I call her all the time. But, I have these horrible pains that just don't seem to be right. I know you are supposed to feel some stuff but they have been really bad and really stressing me out. I even post on the MoMo forum and no one reports having these same pains as me, so I think that scared me even more.
Last night, I started feeling horrible again. So this morning I insisted on going to the doctor. Everything turned out OK but its just I guess a bit overwhelming. I almost feel like I cant trust my own instincts about something being wrong. Even though I'm ecstatic that things are fine. I'm not sure how I feel about the ultrasound tech at the office. During, the scans she goes from being nice to a bit well odd. She is the one insisting that I do not have a membrane and its not possible. And today after she told me everything is looking fine, she out of no where asked if I was having the nucheal scan done on the babies at week 12. I thought that was odd because it came out of no where. I guess Ill ask Dr. Cassidy on Thursday if I should be concerned about that. For those who don't know that test scans for Down Syndrome and is performed by an ultrasound as well. So now I am paranoid about this. I'm just a paranoid person.
I'm trying to also figure out when to call Vanderbilt. Do to the fact I may have to spend months in the hospital, we may have to switch all of my care over to them. I don't want to do this until I know for sure that I like and trust them, so I would need to meet them first and see if their game plans match up. I will hate to switch everything in a pregnancy like this but since Adam works there it will be cheaper. Has anyone delivered there or have any words of advice? I see Dr. Cassidy again on Thursday and then I meet with the high risk doctors at Baptist for the first time next Wednesday.
I'm trying to remain positive. I talk a lot more about the future and them being here with us. I love them so much already, its so unreal. Its still hard to believe that the pictures or video shown on the screen during the ultrasound is growing and beating inside of me.
On the other hand! I had a wonderful weekend watching Charles. He was a good distraction for me and so well behaved. Adam and I took him to the park at the Red Caboose park and let him stand on the real caboose they have there. He had a good time even though he wouldn't play with the little boy following him around everywhere. It was so sad haha the little boy was trying so hard to play with him. I think I watched Cars 10 times this weekend. It kind of reminds me of my cousin Whittaker at that age when he would memorize the whole Toy Story movie. When Charlie and Nicole came back we went to eat along with my parents at the Loveless Cafe. It was good. Then we played the Wii some. I wish they were closer by!
I'm so glad that so glad that I get to experience this process with Nicole. I think it will be so wonderful that we will have kids the same age and watch them grow together. I think it makes things so special. I love my family.
Adam was such a good support this weekend even if I don't always tell him because I'm to busy freaking out. He sent me a text message this morning before my ultrasound. He wrote, I love you. I'm scared, but I'm hopeful too. Just remember that they are our miracle babies. ...Hes amazing and these are our miracle babies and I cant wait to hold them in my arms. Below is the picture I got today. Kind of funny since on of the babies faces is resting on the others bottom. Today the heart rates were 164 and 167. Until next time.

Our Babies @ 8 weeks.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
8 weeks 3 days or is it 9 weeks 3 days
Dates regarding pregnancy can be so confusing. We will get to that in a little bit.
Adam and I had our follow up appoitment today with Dr. Cassidy. I have been so sick and scared the past week. It has seriously been an awful time for me..my emotions have been everywhere. I unfortunatly have been extremly negative and fearful for my up comming apointment. I think the closer they get, the crazier I become. I have also been a lot sicker over the past week...the nausea has turned in the vommiting and my headaches and IBS have escalated. Sounds like fun huh?
I had also been totally diving into the internet which I really shouldnt do because it has scared me to my wits end.
But anyways, to the appointment. I had my ultrasound first. Our little babies now look like humans. Its crazy. They have little finger buds and everything. They were sitting right next to eachother and almost look as if they are holding hands. There is definatly NOT a membrane inbetween them as you could clearly see the membrane around them and not inbetween. There heart rate for both of them was 170 and 171. I got 6 new pictures and even a CD of part of the ultrasound. It was so cute to see them jiggle around! I love the CD because you can see thier little hearts beating too..it so unreal that that is going on inside of me.
I then had my appointment with Dr. Cassidy. She said everything was looking go so far. We then went over all of our family histories. I got a nice bag full of goodies too. Magazines and vitamins and a nice journal. She said the fearfulness and anxiety I had been feeling is normal considering the type of pregnancy im having and was really understanding. I have lost 6 lbs but she was okay with that because I started out on the heavier side. My progesterone levels were still normal but I think im going to stay on the one pill a day until my first trimester is over. I also am referred to the Maternal Fetal Doctors (high risk doctors) and am tentively scheduled with them on June 29th. I will see her again in 2 weeks. I got a ton of blood work done today as well.
Back to the date thing as listed in my title. I pretty sure I am 8 weeks and 3 days but if your looking at my ultrasound pictures they say a week ahead so im unsure. All I know is that they are viable in mid-September and thats the most important part.
We still need all the prayers we can get as we are not near out of the clear yet.
I love you little babies.
Adam and I had our follow up appoitment today with Dr. Cassidy. I have been so sick and scared the past week. It has seriously been an awful time for me..my emotions have been everywhere. I unfortunatly have been extremly negative and fearful for my up comming apointment. I think the closer they get, the crazier I become. I have also been a lot sicker over the past week...the nausea has turned in the vommiting and my headaches and IBS have escalated. Sounds like fun huh?
I had also been totally diving into the internet which I really shouldnt do because it has scared me to my wits end.
But anyways, to the appointment. I had my ultrasound first. Our little babies now look like humans. Its crazy. They have little finger buds and everything. They were sitting right next to eachother and almost look as if they are holding hands. There is definatly NOT a membrane inbetween them as you could clearly see the membrane around them and not inbetween. There heart rate for both of them was 170 and 171. I got 6 new pictures and even a CD of part of the ultrasound. It was so cute to see them jiggle around! I love the CD because you can see thier little hearts beating too..it so unreal that that is going on inside of me.
I then had my appointment with Dr. Cassidy. She said everything was looking go so far. We then went over all of our family histories. I got a nice bag full of goodies too. Magazines and vitamins and a nice journal. She said the fearfulness and anxiety I had been feeling is normal considering the type of pregnancy im having and was really understanding. I have lost 6 lbs but she was okay with that because I started out on the heavier side. My progesterone levels were still normal but I think im going to stay on the one pill a day until my first trimester is over. I also am referred to the Maternal Fetal Doctors (high risk doctors) and am tentively scheduled with them on June 29th. I will see her again in 2 weeks. I got a ton of blood work done today as well.
Back to the date thing as listed in my title. I pretty sure I am 8 weeks and 3 days but if your looking at my ultrasound pictures they say a week ahead so im unsure. All I know is that they are viable in mid-September and thats the most important part.
We still need all the prayers we can get as we are not near out of the clear yet.
I love you little babies.
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