So, the past week has been so busy. I have been feeling sick a lot. I think my doctors nurse is getting sick of me calling haha. I call her all the time. But, I have these horrible pains that just don't seem to be right. I know you are supposed to feel some stuff but they have been really bad and really stressing me out. I even post on the MoMo forum and no one reports having these same pains as me, so I think that scared me even more.
Last night, I started feeling horrible again. So this morning I insisted on going to the doctor. Everything turned out OK but its just I guess a bit overwhelming. I almost feel like I cant trust my own instincts about something being wrong. Even though I'm ecstatic that things are fine. I'm not sure how I feel about the ultrasound tech at the office. During, the scans she goes from being nice to a bit well odd. She is the one insisting that I do not have a membrane and its not possible. And today after she told me everything is looking fine, she out of no where asked if I was having the nucheal scan done on the babies at week 12. I thought that was odd because it came out of no where. I guess Ill ask Dr. Cassidy on Thursday if I should be concerned about that. For those who don't know that test scans for Down Syndrome and is performed by an ultrasound as well. So now I am paranoid about this. I'm just a paranoid person.
I'm trying to also figure out when to call Vanderbilt. Do to the fact I may have to spend months in the hospital, we may have to switch all of my care over to them. I don't want to do this until I know for sure that I like and trust them, so I would need to meet them first and see if their game plans match up. I will hate to switch everything in a pregnancy like this but since Adam works there it will be cheaper. Has anyone delivered there or have any words of advice? I see Dr. Cassidy again on Thursday and then I meet with the high risk doctors at Baptist for the first time next Wednesday.
I'm trying to remain positive. I talk a lot more about the future and them being here with us. I love them so much already, its so unreal. Its still hard to believe that the pictures or video shown on the screen during the ultrasound is growing and beating inside of me.
On the other hand! I had a wonderful weekend watching Charles. He was a good distraction for me and so well behaved. Adam and I took him to the park at the Red Caboose park and let him stand on the real caboose they have there. He had a good time even though he wouldn't play with the little boy following him around everywhere. It was so sad haha the little boy was trying so hard to play with him. I think I watched Cars 10 times this weekend. It kind of reminds me of my cousin Whittaker at that age when he would memorize the whole Toy Story movie. When Charlie and Nicole came back we went to eat along with my parents at the Loveless Cafe. It was good. Then we played the Wii some. I wish they were closer by!
I'm so glad that so glad that I get to experience this process with Nicole. I think it will be so wonderful that we will have kids the same age and watch them grow together. I think it makes things so special. I love my family.
Adam was such a good support this weekend even if I don't always tell him because I'm to busy freaking out. He sent me a text message this morning before my ultrasound. He wrote, I love you. I'm scared, but I'm hopeful too. Just remember that they are our miracle babies. ...Hes amazing and these are our miracle babies and I cant wait to hold them in my arms. Below is the picture I got today. Kind of funny since on of the babies faces is resting on the others bottom. Today the heart rates were 164 and 167. Until next time.

I love the picts and I just realized that we didn't get to watch the DVD while we were there! I'm coming back- j/k. Don't ever feel bad about calling your OB's nurse. That is their job, and you should get two times the attention that other singletons get. Like I mentioned, those sharp stabbing pains could just be a follicle that hasn't shrunk yet. My pain went away a few weeks ago after it popped (good thing) and I haven't felt it since. Charles misses you as well as Cars. I only let him watch it once a day for the last few weeks and he went through major withdrawl yesterday b/c I wouldn't let him watch it b/c he was acting so crazy. He enjoyed being with you and we wnjoyed ourselves too!!! Love ya.
I am happy to hear things are going relatively well! I hope your pain subsides soon. Keep up the updates- I enjoy reading about it all! I'd love to get together at the park or something this week sometime. I'm sure Becca would love to come too! Let me know how you're feeling.
hey, i didn't know nicole is expecting too! congrats to you both!! i had those horrible sharp pains too...try not to let it worry you unless it is accompanied with heavy blood.
i delivered my twins at vandy and had a great experience, although after being on magnesium all day at gateway, i have no idea the name of the docs.
i was very sick during my twin pregancy as well....til about 5 months along. hang in there! hugs!
Wow, those pictures are amazing! I am so happy that you are feeling more positive. Please know that you are continually in our prayers--all of you.
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